Evil Dead the Musical
Evil Dead the Musical is an off-Broadway musical that has been traveling the world since 2003. Productions happen all over the world, and the show sells out almost every performance.

Deadites Take Over the Off-Broadway Stage
Anyone who has even a passing interest in horror and zombies has undoubtedly experienced the magnificence that is the Evil Dead series. From Sam Raimi’s dramatic camera angles to Bruce Campbell’s genus for physical comedy, the series has earned its place among the most memorable films in the history of horror cinema.
At the present time there is a lot of discussion, most of it negative, among fans about the proposed remake of the original Evil Dead. While it remains to be seen if that remake will ever actually come to fruition, there is another way to experience a new take on the world as it exists in the Evil Dead.
Evil Dead the Musical is an off-Broadway musical that has been traveling the world since 2003. The original stage production occurred in Toronto, Canada, and the reviews were so overwhelmingly popular that it was moved to New York City in 2006. After the NYC show closed in 2007, productions began happening all over the world, and the show sells out almost every performance.
“There will be blood, you have been warned”
When you first walk into a performance of Evil Dead the Musical you’ll be greeted with two things: a sign that says, “There will be blood, you have been warned,” and a table that is stacked with ponchos. Evil Dead the Musical is the first musical in history to have a splatter zone in the audience, and anyone who is seated within that zone is guaranteed to get soaked with stage blood. Many fans look at this rite of passage, and they purposefully buy splatter zone tickets and come dressed in a white t-shirt.
Those who prefer not to get soaked with blood, however, can purchase a poncho if they forgot theirs at home. Having been in the audience of an Evil Dead show twice, I can attest to the fact that the blood does not stay only in the splatter zone, and the actors do their best to ensure that everyone within the first several rows gets hit.
The musical aspect of the show is where the production really shines. With 17 songs, including “All the Men in My Life Keep Getting Killed by Candarian Demons,” “Ode to an Accidental Stabbing” and “What the F**k Was That?” the spirit of the original movies remains, but is filtered through a lens of hilarity. Being familiar with the movies is not necessary to enjoy the show, but those who are familiar will find themselves laughing hysterically throughout the entire performance.