Geek Stuff Abounds
Sometimes you just get lost in the interwebs and you find the coolest stuff. I started off down the rabbit hole and here are three cool things that I found right in my own state.

Sometimes you just get lost in the interwebs and you find the coolest stuff. I started off down the rabbit hole last night and here are three cool things that I found right in my own state.

Con Kasterborous
So I’m googling sci-fi cons and I’m thinking that Alabama is not a state that would have any. Wrong answer pal. Mobicon in Mobile, Con*stellation in Huntsville and a newcomer to the market with a Doctor Who theme. it’s called Con Kasterborous.
Con Kasterborous looked cool enough that I’m going to pack up my sci-fi stuff and set up a dealer’s table. Be sure to stop by Huntsville June 9th and 10th so you can see what a real life nerd looks like. Now if only the Montgomery area had a science fiction convention.
Incidentally, this site lead me to the next one below:

Alabama Ghost Busters
Yes. Alabama is cosmopolitan enough to have a troupe of Ghost Busters fans that appear at conventions and parades. They sport jumpsuits and proton packs. Looks like a fun crowd. Don’t cross the streams guys.
Starfleet International Chapter
I’m such a dork that I make Google send me emails when the word science fiction pops up. Jackpot today as this led to a twofer of Alabama geekiness. First is the discovery that there is a Starfleet International Chapter in Hartselle and second that they are hosting a space science symposium at the end of this month. (January 28th, 2012 is the stardate of the event.)
The symposium is titled “Our Finest Hour” and will feature people that worked at NASA. Anything with space and science in it has to be good.
So geeky stuff seems to be everywhere if you look for it. I wonder what else there is in Alabama?