Twittering Sci-Fi Stars: a Non-Exhaustive List for Star Trek and Firefly

Resistance is Futile
Launched in July of 2006, Twitter is a micro-blogging site that allows users to post short vignettes of up to 140 characters. By following feeds, you can keep up with all of your friends, as well as celebrities, musicians, and performers. Here are some of the Twitter feeds for the best actors and actresses in sci-fi. Don’t you feel glamorous?
Trek Folks
Jeri Ryan!/JeriLRyan
Jeri tweets daily about her travels and appearances. She also shares links relating to her interests, such as French cuisine and charities. Tweet her name using the @JeriLRyan tool, and she may just respond!
Wil Wheaton!/wilw
Wil is an insanely prolific Tweeter (?). He tweets about… well, anything he wants. Links to articles he’s written, announcements of his upcoming appearances, random puns and one-liners, and even links to presents his wife bought him. Everything that craps out of his brain ends up on his feed. Say what you will about Wesley, but Wil rules.
Jonathan Frakes!/jonathansfrakes
Frakes was late to the party, having only activated his account on June 28th of this year. However, he is already proving to be witty and a frequent tweeter. So far, he’s traded ribs with some of Trek cohorts and urged his followers to watch Burn Notice. Time will tell if he will be a long-term user.
LeVar Burton!/levarburton
LeVar joined the day after Frakes, apparently feeling left out of the party. So far, he has tweeted primarily about Reading Rainbow and books. As LeVar continues to be an advocate for literacy, I predict a mix and mash of Trek and Rainbow tweets.
Brent Spiner!/BrentSpiner
Looking super-sophisticated, posing with a glass of wine on his profile, Brent tweets links to his live chats, tosses around conversational gambits with his fellow co-stars, and has a decidedly candid ‘voice’. Follow!
Kate Mulgrew
Official Website Feed-!/totallykate
While Kate apparently isn’t tweeting personally, her official website has a feed dedicated to her charity work and auctions. This feed also links out to galleries of Kate photos.
Firefly Peeps
Nathan Fillion!/nathanfillion
Nathan tweets about all kinds of bizarre things. He tweets when he has to pee. He tweets when drunken American sing the National Anthem off-key in the streets of Rome. Never a dull moment on his feed.
Morena Baccarrin!/missmorenab
While she is also a newcomer to Twitter, Morena has already began giving an insider’s view of NYC by suggesting cafes to her 40k+ followers. She also uses her feed to promote her appearances and attract attention to other artists.
Joss Whedon
Feed Concerning His Work-!/whedonesque
Both of these feeds center around the many projects that Wheedon has had a hand in. Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Serenity, and Doll House fans should follow these to get the latest news about merchandise, appearances, and other points of interest.
This list should get you started on your way to building an awesome sci-fi feed. Check back later for more lists!