Movie Characters Who Achieved Success While Wearing A Bathrobe
The bath robe, or dressing gown as it is also commonly known, is the piece of clothing that signifies comfort and cozy. It’s a statement. Consider the following examples as bathrobe pioneers, proving that things can be achieved while adorned in chenille.

The bath robe, or dressing gown as it is also commonly known, is the piece of clothing that signifies comfort and cozy. It’s a statement. Wearing a dressing gown says, ‘I’m not going out today and I’m OK with that.’ And why would you when you can wrap yourself in warm and fuzzy, snuggle on the sofa and drink hot beverages in front of trash TV all day?
However, there are examples from the silver screen of characters that have broken the mold. Who’ve said, ‘I love my dressing gown and I’m going to conduct everyday activities while wearing it.’ Consider the following examples as bathrobe pioneers, proving that things can be achieved while adorned in chenille… (In the movies at least).
The Dude – Big Lebowski
This might not be the best example of a character wearing a bathrobe and achieving, well not in the traditional sense. Jeff Bridges iconic ‘The Dude’ from the Big Lebowski is a slacker icon, spending plenty of time in his bathrobe. What he does achieve is a state of cool that is revered amongst those concerned with such things. He’s a hero and part of this is definitely due to his laid back, easy going attitude, a state typified by his bathrobe wearing throughout much of his misguided adventure.
Tyler Durden – Fight Club
Tyler is a motivator, he’s a doer. A macho dream of muscle, aggression and discontent which, if you haven’t seen the movie, culminates in him mobilizing an underground army to rise against the powers that be. While making explosives and running a nationwide bare-knuckle fighting ring aren’t exactly the most salubrious of past times, it is still some go-getter attitude. And what does he wear when orchestrating such grand plans with a logistical prowess even DHL would be proud of? A pink toweling dressing gown with a steaming coffee cups motif. Sweet.
Rocky Balboa – Rocky
What could look better than a Rocky bathrobe with ‘Italian Stallion’ emblazoned on the back. Not a lot is the answer and that’s exactly what Rocky wears as he trots to the ring to dish out a whole lot of pain to his opponents. Hood up, head down, there is business to be done and it all begins while wearing a bathrobe.
The Emperor – Star Wars
Not until The Empire Strikes Back did the Emperor appear, and what an appearance. He made the bath robe his own, a shroud of a garment in a deepest of deep greys, synonymous with the dark side of which he was so fond. The garment hindered him not a jot when it came to dominating as the head of the Galactic Empire and on the side as the Dark Lord of the Sith. Not bad work at all. From beneath his robe he spouted electrical charges that did for many a Jedi and I like to think this was only possible due to the loose fitting nature of his chosen preferred clothing of the dressing gown.
When it comes to getting things sorted, maybe you’re looking at things the wrong way. As these heroes in bathrobes show, it’s not about a professional look. It’s about comfort and freedom of movement allowing you to perform your duties and achieve your goals, whether they are being the El Duderino, creating social destabilization, becoming World Heavyweight Champion or wiping out the Jedi’s.